Arts Festival

Held annually on the last weekend in April, the Boston College Arts Festival brings the Boston College and surrounding communities together to celebrate the arts. From April 24-26, 2025, the Arts Festival will once again invite the community to experience the variety of arts at Boston College!

A group of singers performing

A performance by The University Chorale.

Attracting more than 16,000 attendees from Boston College and the surrounding community, the Arts Festival never fails to be one of the most vibrant and exciting events of the year. Delight in all forms of art from the transcendent beauty of the many dance ensembles to the boldness of the studio art students' work plus music, theater, film, creative writers, and more!

The Arts Festival spans campus. Centered on Lower Campus, our Main Performance Tent and Art Tent are in the Mod Lot and other venues include Robsham Theater, Vanderslice Cabaret Room, Bonn Studio, Gasson Hall, and Gallery 203 in Carney Hall.

Special guests at the festival have included Cameron Esposito '04, Lulu Wang '05, Tracey Wigfield '05, Nick Scandalios '89, Chris Doyle '81, Anne Garefino '81, Robert Polito '73, Chuck Hogan '89, Shelagh Abate '97, Shannon Reilly '08, Jeff Augustin '08, and Amy Poehler '93.

Arts Fest at a Glance


First Arts Festival


Artist Participation





The Arts Council and the Arts Festival committee are always looking for new ideas and creativity to incorporate into yearly programming and expand the Annual BC Arts Festival. If inspiration has struck, please contact with the subject lines of Arts Collaboration or Arts Festival Proposal. The Arts Council takes proposals for the upcoming festival until December. You will be contacted within a week of submitting your proposal by an Arts Council representative. 

The combined efforts of students, faculty, and the entire BC community are what makes the Boston College annual art festival unique every year. These individuals (just like you) are passionate about the arts, and are committed to presenting and celebrating three days of performances, exhibitions, and creative expression.

In addition, any arts event taking place on the Boston College campus during the three day festival can be listed in the Arts Festival program by filling out our participation application. The application will be available online in November. All events will also be listed on the Univeristy online events calendar.

Arts Council Awards

Each year, the Boston College Arts Council recognizes an alumnus, a faculty member, and several students for their accomplishments and contributions to the arts in various disciplines. Alumni and faculty award recipients serve as role models, inspiring and guiding developing young artists in the Boston College community. The award recipients participate in programming at Arts Festival and interact in small-group settings with students in their fields. Student award recipients in their sophomore, junior, or senior years are recognized for their creativity and accomplishments, as well as for specific projects.