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The Boisi Center for Religion & American Public Life
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Past Events
Spring 2025 Events
Russia’s War Against the West
Under my Skin: Tattoos and Religion
A Conversation with Hockey Coach Greg Brown
Christian Antifascism in Charlottesville
American Religious Darwinism: Teaching Islam in American Protestant Seminaries during the Gilded Age
Catholicism Represented: Democracy, Religion and Global History, 1789-2025
Enslaved to the Jesuits: What Women of the First U.S. Diocese can tell us about Women in the Church
Take Me To the Water: Black Madonnas and the Initiation of Possibility
Catholic Fundamentalism in America
Accessing the Divine: Religious Sources of Resilience in an Age of Political Turmoil
Muslim and Catholic Experiences of National Belonging in France
Sustaining Presence, Pursuing Peace: 21st Century Middle Eastern Christians and Sacred Spaces in Peril
Fall 2024 Events
Postwar Stories: How Books Made Judaism American
Religious Enemies of Liberalism and Christian Realist Defense: The Battle for the Soul of American Democracy
Christian Nationalism, Religious Pluralism, and the 2024 Election
From Reagan's Revolution to Trump's Insurrection: The Role of the Religious Imaginary in American Politics
"Our Stories Need to Be Told": Memoirs of Former Nuns
Panel Series: Christian Nationalism and the 2024 Election
A Conversation with Coach Bill O'Brien about Faith, Football, and Boston College
Becoming Mary Sully: Reclaiming a Modern Native American Artist
Spring 2023 Events
The Role of the Church(es) in the Civil Rights Movement in the US and ‘Solidarity’ in Poland
Parties in the Pews in a Divided Nation
Prophetic Voices Lecture featuring Massimo Faggioli
The Way Forward: Pope Francis, Vatican II and Synodality
The Contested Meaning of Women's Rights: Reclaiming a Lost Vision of Freedom
Race and Religion Conference
A Capital Congregation: Proximity, Community, and Ministry for American Statehouse Neighborhoods
Russia’s War in Ukraine One Year Later: Orthodox Christianity, Geopolitics, and Power
Fall 2022 Events
Unruly Souls: The Digital Activism of Muslim and Christian Feminists
Sports and Religion in North America
Tragic Dilemmas in Christian Ethics
Two Jewish Fathers Who Changed History: Abraham Joshua Heschel and Elie Wiesel
Tradition and Its Discontents: John Calvin and the Western Mind
A History of Catholic Theological Ethics
Spring 2022
Race and the Religious Right: White Evangelicals, White Supremacy, and Their Consequences
Religious Activism and Political Change; Political Activism and Religious Change
Islam in the United States: Issues of Race and Diversity
How Secularization Impacts Religion: A Conversation with Nancy Ammerman and José Casanova
A Capital Congregation: Proximity, Community, and Ministry for American Statehouse Neighborhoods
Theology as Requirement: The Challenges of Teaching Theology in the Modern Academy
Fall 2021 Events
LGBTQ Advocacy at the Intersection of Faith and Public Policy
'Seventy Times Seven': Abuse, Exclusion, and Forgiving the Church
19th Annual Prophetic Voices Lecture
Flannery O’Connor: The Making of an American Master
Race, Theology, and Pedagogy: Conversations Between Africans and Americans
Teaching First Generation Boston College Students
Academics as Public Intellectuals: A Conversation with Professors M. Cathleen Kaveny and Heather Cox Richardson
Spring 2021 Events
Cultivating Helpful Dynamics
US Vatican Relations
Pandemic and Religion
Three Pieces of Advice to President Biden from Catholics in the Public Square
The Development of Muslim Leadership in the U.S.
Creating Constructive Conversations
Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story
Developing Practical and Integrative Assignments
Engaging The Social Dilemma: Social Media and the Polarization of Politics and Pews
Fall 2020 Events
The Church and Catholic Voters and the 2020 Election
The Republican Party and Catholic Voters in the 2020 Election
The Democratic Party and Catholic Voters in the 2020 Election
Mining the Christian Tradition for Resources to Combat Racism
Narrative Empathy, Reconciliation, and Racism
Narrative, Restorative Justice, and the Need for Truth in Racial Equity
Pandemic, Politics, and Solidarity: A Discussion of Fratelli Tutti
Spring 2020
Revolution of the Heart: the Dorothy Day Story
Is There a New Anti-Semitism?
Evolution and Innovation in Legal Education
Race, Class, and Ethnicity in College Admissions
Blessed Are the Rich: the American Gospel of Success
Fall 2019
How Would You Reform the Catholic Church?
The Power of Sports: Media and Spectacle in American Culture
Religion and the Divided American Republic: Rawls' Fault?
Reviving Democracy During the 2020 Campaign Season by Learning How to Hope
What is 'Nature' Today in Science and Theology?
Do the Democrats have a Religion Problem?
Santuario: Screening and Discussion
Spring 2019 Events
Seeking Shelter
Backs Against the Wall: the Howard Thurman Story
What Would President Niebuhr Do?
Resetting Christian Theology on Mental Illness and Suicide
The Challenge of 'Us' in Ecological Times
Religion in the White House
What Everyone Needs to Know About Shariah
Politics and Evangelical Christians
Religion and the Whole Human Experience
Fall 2018
Pope Francis: a Man of His Word
Utopia on the Small Screen
Prayer in a Violent World
Faith and Border Ethics
Superpower Saints: Rome and America, 1939-1963
Gentrification in an Urban Church
What Does It Mean to Be Jewish in the Age of Trump?
How the Debate Over Birth Control Changed Catholic Theology
Conversations That Matter: Who Belongs at BC?
Spring 2018 Events
Bible Nation: Hobby Lobby, Scripture, and the Making of America
Religion, Spirituality, and Compassionate Healthcare
Catholic Afterlives: What Identities and Practices Persist When Catholics Leave the Church?
Violence, Memory, and Religion Among Survivors of Clerical Sexual Abuse
Truth and Lies in a Polarized Time
Catholic Afterlives: What Identities and Practices Persist When Catholics Leave the Church?
Fall 2017 Events
What's So Political About 'Political' Islam?
The Challenge of Charlottesville: Race, Religion and Public Monuments
Luther in America
Is Civility Dead?
The State of Catholic Higher Education
Rikers an American Jail
U.S. Foreign Policy After ISIS
What’S Wrong with the New Genealogy of Religious Freedom?
Educating for Modern Democracy
Responding to the Global Refugee Crisis at BC and Beyond
Spring 2017 Events
On Having Civil Conversations
An American Conscience: the Reinhold Niebuhr Story
The Contemporary Crisis for Christianity in the Middle East
Religious Freedom and the Common Good
Save the Children: Religion, Politics, and International Adoptions in America
What Now? Having Difficult Conversations in Our Community
"Silence," a Film by Martin Scorsese
Toward a Culture of University Ethics
Prophecy Without Contempt
The Ethics of Citizenship in the Trump Era
Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved by Beauty
Fall 2016 Events
Ending Female Genital Mutilation and Child Marriage in Tanzania
Service Learning and the PULSE Program at BC
Black Natural Law
The New Bostonians: How Immigrants Have Transformed Boston Since the 1960s
Economy for the Common Good: a Theory of Change That Works
Speak, Stand, Sit or Scream?
Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism
Public Theology and the Global Common Good
Just War Revisited
An Ethics for the Coming Storm
Religion, Ethics, and the 2016 Presidential Campaign
The Christians of Lebanon
Factoring Faith into Development
USAID Book-a-thon
Religion and Conflict Transformation
Spring 2016 Events
University Ethics
Promoting a Closer Alignment Between Philanthropy and the Public Good
Making and Breaking: Art, Hospitality and Eucharist
What the Islamic Veil Reveals
Just War Theory and the Environmental Consequences of War
Immigration and Christian Ethics
What Is the Responsibility to Protect?
Who Gets to Be a Prophet?
The Calling of a Public Intellectual
Fall 2015 Events
A Republic of Prophets
Our Common Home: an Ethical Summons on Climate Change
Bonhoeffer's Transformative Encounters with the American Prophetic Tradition
Nostra Aetate
Imagining the Church of the 21st Century
The Outlook for Religious Pluralism in Syria
Gun Rights and the Threat to Freedom and Democracy
Boston Book Festival 2015
The Bible in Early America
Effective Action on Environment, Hunger and Human Rights
Teaching about Religion in Public Schools
My Faith Story within the Story of Liberation Theology
Spring 2015 Events
Simone's Svengalis
Two Faces of Political Islam
Being a Priest in the Public Square
Equal Rights for All
Religion, Politics and Nationalism in Contemporary Turkey
Race, Religion, and Social Change: a Campus Conversation
Religious Pluralism in the Middle East
Why Libertarianism Isn't Liberal
Religion and the Roots of Climate Change Denial
Religion and Global Affairs
How Dante Can Save your Life
Fall 2014 Events
The Moral Origins of the Great Recession
Prophetic Rhetoric in the Public Square
Women and Interreligious Dialogue
Writing about Religion in a Polarized Age
The Public Life of Love
"At Home in Exile" Book Release Event
Catholic Charities: Challenges and Response
Is There a Future for Catholic Health and Social Services?
At Home in Exile: Why Diaspora Is Good for the Jews
Spring 2014 Events
Nonviolent Campaigning for Nuclear Disarmament
Religious Diversity and Military Service
Democracy Beyond Elections
Pope Francis and the Future of the Global Church
South Africa After Mandela
#Religion @OMG Faith Db8 in 21st Century
The Prophetic Minority
Terrorism and the Boston Marathon
Setting the Agenda for Global Dialogue
Business, Ethics and American Healthcare Reform
Fall 2013 Events
The Blessings of Exile
Political Obligation in the World Society
Beyond Ignorance, Hostility, and Fear
Peacebuilding and Reconciliation
What Is Power?
From Just War to Nonviolence
Religious Diversity and the Common Good
"Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom"
Spring 2013 Events
Youth and Diplomacy
The Future of Catholic Periodicals
Poverty and American National Priorities
The Papacy After Benedict XVI
Youth Civic Engagement
What Is Liberation Theology?
Prophetic Action and Imagination
Cosmopolitanism in Constitutional Law
Religion, State and Education
Fall 2012 Events
Diaspora: an Introduction
Standards for Effective Elementary and Secondary Catholic Schools
Nuns in American Public Life
Latinos and the 2012 Election
Religion and the Liberal Aims of Higher Education
American Dreams: Jews and Broadway
Update on the 'War on Terror': Facts and Fears
Individuals, Institutions, and Religious Freedom
Spring 2012 Events
For God and Country: Religion and the U.S. Military
Islam, Sharia, and Democratic Transformation in the Arab World
Power, History and Meaning
Are Mormons the New Catholics and Jews?
Religious Exclusivism and Pluralism as a Political Project
Winning the Child's Will
Islam and Democracy: a Closer Look at the Turkish Model
Citizenship in the Global City
Religion and the 2012 Presidential Primaries
The Writer and the Public
Islamic Civilization & Societies
Fall 2011 Events
Interrogation Policy after Osama bin Laden
Author Meets Critics: Political Evil by Alan Wolfe
The Life and Work of Christian Legal Theorist William Stuntz
Iran and the Arab Spring
Pelagius and Augustine
Faculty Seminar: on Political Messianism
Graduate Student Seminar: Art, Politics, Morality
Religion in America: a Political History
Social Ethics and Social Practice in Puritan New England
Writers Save
How God Commands Religious Liberty
Spring 2011 Events
The BC Dilemma: the Business Life and the Kingdom of Heaven
The Limits of International Human Rights Law in the U.S. Constitution
Climate Change and Christian Ethics
The Legal and Religious Status of Women in Nigerian Society
Toleration and Freedom: the American Experience in Context
New Imaging Technologies at the End of Life
Perfect Storm: How the Imminent Crisis in Higher Education Can Strengthen Liberal Education
The Risk of Civil Society
Wanting It All: Women and the State of Feminism in America
Last Best Hope: International Lives of the American Civil War
Lingua Sacra: Negotiating God-Talk in America
Fall 2010 Events
Humanitarian Intervention and the "Responsibility to Protect"
The Rising Power of the American Dead
Presidential Roulette
Author Meets Critics: "The Religious Test"
The University in the 21st Century: Thinking About Ethics, Persons, and Discourse
The Hebrew Republic: Jewish Sources and the Transformation of European Political Thought
Spring 2010 Events
Benedict XVI and the U.S. Bishops
Causes of the Financial Crisis and the Future of the Financial Services Industry
Rousseau's Paradoxical Legacy
Shifts and Continuities in the Obama Era and Beyond
Philanthropy as Spiritual Exercise: Soul, Relationships and Community
Exporting the First Freedom
Natural Law, God, and Human Dignity
What Has HIV/AIDS Led Us to Understand About Global Ethical Challenges?
A Matter of Conscience: Religious Exemptions and the Healthcare Debate
Fall 2009 Events
Religious and Secular Beliefs in Turkey and Liberal Democracy
The Church, the Economy, and Social Justice
The Continuities and Disparities Between Obama and Kennedy
Israel and Palestine: the State of the Question
Evangelicals and the Catholic Mind: From Repulsion to Attraction
Academic and Athletic Excellence on the Heights
Torture: Is It Always Wrong?
Secularization and Contemporary Religious Renewal in Europe
Religion, History, and Education: Facing History and Ourselves
Spring 2009 Events
Ways of Knowing: Field Science in the 21st Century
The Faiths of a Catholic University
Realism, Ethics and U.S. Foreign Policy
Women Living with HIV/AIDS in the US
Intuition, Emotion and Visualization
Redeeming Freedom
Building: Houses, Community, Resumes?
Scientific Knowledge and Faith
Human Evolution and Christian Ethics
Gettysburg in Rehab
The Temple of Solomon and the Dome of the Rock
Author Meets Critics: the Future of Liberalism
Fall 2008 Events
The Roosevelt Legacy
Invisibility Syndrome of African Americans in Educational Institutions
Catholics and the 2008 Elections
The Role of the Public Intellectual
Georges Rouault's Epistemological Modesty
Promised Land: Exodus and America
Madison's Hand
2008 Election Roundtable
Re-integrating Spirituality in the Catholic University
American Secularism for American Muslims
Giving the Dead Their Living Voices
One Nation Under God?
Spring 2008 Events
Muslims in the United States
The Unbearable Lightness of Christian Legal Scholarship
Assessing the 2008 "Super Primaries"
Mormons in American Politics
Just Schools
What Do We Owe the Iraqis?
New Advances in Stem Cell Research
Immigration and the Scandinavian Welfare State
"Yes, God Is Real"
Gay Marriage in Theology, Law and Politics
Fall 2007 Events
Civil Religion, Mourning and Memorials at Virginia Tech
Organizational Meeting for Student Advisory Panel
Womanist Ethics and the Cultural Production of Evil
Author Meets Critics: "A Theology of Public Life"
Deportation Nation: Outsiders in American History
Gambling and the American Moral Landscape
Failing America's Faithful
Student Debate on Gambling
Spring 2007 Events
Role of Catholic Universities in American Public Life
Headscarves and Holy Days
Theocons in American Public Life
The Danger of Prophecy
Blasphemy, Free Speech and Journalistic Ethics
Islam in Europe and the US
Red and Blue Nation?
The Danish Mohammed Cartoons and Their Fallout
Current Developments in Middle Eastern Politics and Religion
Fall 2006 Events
Judging Intelligent Design
Integrating Islam in France
Religious Freedom and the Pledge of Allegiance
Overcoming Religious Illiteracy Through Public Education
Religion and the 2006 Mid-Term Elections
Ethical Responsibilities Toward Forced Migrants as a Framework for Advocacy
Spring 2006 Events
The Courtier and the Heretic
Faith and Poverty
Combating 'Evildoers' in the Developing World
The Faith of Feminists
Studying Children's Religion
Pope Benedict After One Year
Truth and Fiction in the Da Vinci Code
Fall 2005 Events
American Religion in the European Mind
The Silent Body of Audrey Santo
God's Politics After Katrina: Faith and Hope in Public Life
Jews of Boston: Bridging Wisdom, Community, and Culture, 1995-2004
Polarization in America
Time to Talk About 'Private' Belief and 'Public' Scholarship
Spring 2005 Events
Local Islam Gone Global
Ecclesial Ethics: What Can We Learn From the Early Church?
Good and Faithful Service
Dead Man Walking: the Journey Continued
Religion and Aging: Findings From a Sixty Year Longitudinal Study
American Greatness: How the U.S. Lost, and Can Regain, Its Sense of Purpose
American Protestants and the Doctrine of Original Sin, 1945-1965
The Conclave and the New Pope
The Press and Faith Based Politics
Religious Diversity and the Common Good
Fall 2004 Events
Handing on a Faith: Challenges Opportunities of Our Time
Religion, Foreign Policy and the Media in a Post 9-11 Context
The Women Changing the Face of Christianity
Spring 2004 Events
Voluntary and Diverse: American Religion and American Society
Reinventing the Melting Pot
American Jesus: How the Son of God Became an American Icon
French Perceptions of Religion in America: From Voltaire to RéGis Debray
Faith in Boston: How Congregations Confront the Changing Urban Structure
The Role of Soft Religions in Democratization
Being the Hands of God: the Jewish Call to Social Justice
New Challenges in End-of-Life Care
Virtuous Sexual Ethics
Economic Spirituality: Integrating Who You Are with What You Buy
Reflections on the Upcoming 2004 Presidential Election
A Stone of Hope: Prophetic Religion & Death of Jim Crow
Fall 2003 Events
Bishops and Bosses: Changing Trends in Church-State Relations in Boston
All That's Holy: a Young Man, an Old Car and the Search for God in America
Unlikely Allies: Church and Society in Racial Passing
Studying Hinduism as an Interdisciplinary Practice
The Role of Religion and Faith-based Initiatives in Urban Communities
The Future of American Religion: a Conversation
Where Does Character Formation Happen in the University Today?
Spring 2003 Events
Unholy War in Islam
Gathering Power: Future of Progressive Politics in USA
How Buddhist Doctrine of Skillful Means Supports Transnational Buddhist Expansion and Adaptation
The Pluralism Project: Research and Opportunities
Evangelical Protestants in the Public Square
The Eliot School Rebellion, Boston, 1859
Religion and Education
Religion and Modernization
The Role of Religion and Faith in Political Life
Fall 2002 Events
Presenting Islam
Religion in Contemporary America: Church, State, and Society
Restoration of a Jeffersonian Republic
American Catholicism
The Holocaust and the Catholic Church's Current Search for Forgiveness
Fire and Roses: the Burning of the Charlestown Convent, 1834
Spring 2002 Events
Reflections on Political Islam After September 11
Economists Versus Human Beings?
Genetics, Religion, and Social Ethics
Prospects for Peace in the Middle East
Judaism and Civic Participation in American Life
Religion in a Deliberative Society
The Struggle for the Soul of Islam
The Abrahamic Attitudes Towards Racism and Slavery
Faith, Reason and Democracy in Islam
What Is the Prophetic Role of the Catholic Church in American Society Today?
The New Physics of Philanthropy
Beyond the Synagogue Walls
Melville, Our Contemporary
Lived Religion Workshop
Fall 2001 Events
The Common Good
The Legacy of Theocracy: Discord in the Public Realm
A Story of Shalom: the Calling of Christians and Jews by a Covenanting God
Redefining the Boundaries of Belonging
The Logic of Fundamentalism: Comparing Movements After September 11
Order, War and Terrorism: Drawing Moral Lines
Faith Communities Today
War, Peace and a Crisis in the Life of God
Catholic-Jewish Dialogue: Death and Dying, Mortality and Immortality
Research Colloquium Series
Spring 2001 Events
Religious Diversity and the Common Good
Linking Community Organizing and School Reform
Economics and Ethics
Should We Have Faith in the Churches?
Family, Religion and Politics: Understanding Gender Differences in Participation
Moral and Normative Aspects of School Choice Conference
Roundtable Discussion on Faith-Based Initiatives
Religious Commitment and Secular Reason
The Lustre of Our Country
Crossing the Gods: World Religions and Worldly Politics
Religion, Class and Politics in the United States
Alan Wolfe: Book Signing Party
From Ghetto to Mainstream: Catholics and Evangelicals in the "Knowledge Professions"
Fall 2000 Events
Catholic Identity: Balancing Reason, Faith and Power
Ethics and Medicine
Dialogue: Belief and Non-Belief: the Challenge of Medical Knowledge
Religion and the 2000 Election
Fighting Poverty with Virtue
Courses & Seminars
Symposia on Religion and Politics
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The Holocaust and the Catholic Church's Current Search for Forgiveness
Past Events
Fall 2002 Events
The Holocaust and the Catholic Church's Current Search for Forgiveness
Fall 2002 Events
Presenting Islam
Religion in Contemporary America: Church, State, and Society
Restoration of a Jeffersonian Republic
American Catholicism
The Holocaust and the Catholic Church's Current Search for Forgiveness
Fire and Roses: the Burning of the Charlestown Convent, 1834
The Holocaust and the Catholic Church's Current Search for Forgiveness
James Bernauer
Boston College
October 30, 2002
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